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Beef Pie


Trim any gristle off the beef and cube. Fry until brown then place in a cassarole covered in water, stock cube onions seasoning and mustard.

Cook at 160 degrees c for 2.30 hours then stir in a tbsp of gravy granules until it thickens then allow to cool for an hour or until just warm.

Meanwhile cube the butter and lard and rub into flour and salt with your fingertips until it resembles breadcrumbs. Rub the egg yolk in then add enough water to bind the mixture. Cut in half and roll out on a floured surface then place in a greased pie dish, trimming the excess edges.

Add meat mixture then use the other half of the pastry to make a lid. Brush with a beaten egg then put in an oven pre heated to 190 degrees c.

Bake for 45 mins or untill the pie is the colour of a varnished oak table.

Leave to cool for 15 mins before serving with potatoes and veg.