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Betty's Old Standby Chewy Peanut Squares


Place cup butter, cup white syrup or light corn syrup, and cup sugar in a medium to large pot. Place over medium heat, and bring to a boil. Boil 2 minutes. Remove from heat and add 1 teaspoon vanilla and cup creamy peanut butter. In a large bowl, place 4 cups of Special K or cornflakes cereal. Pour the peanut butter sauce mixture over the cereal and mix thoroughly. Press into a 9-inch square pan. Let sit at room temperature for about half an hour, and then refrigerate for another half-hour. Cut into 16 squares and place on a nice serving dish. These keep well at room temperature throughout the day, but for longer storage, you may refrigerate or freeze them. This is a great pick-up dessert for your Super Bowl party! I hope you love it! --Betty