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Betty's Rice Krispies Easter Eggs With Grandson Carter


Melt stick butter and 8-oz. marshmallows in the top of a double boiler. Place 5 cups Rice Krispies cereal in a large bowl that has been sprayed with cooking oil spray. Pour hot marshmallow mixture over Rice Krispies. Stir until well-blended. Let cool, until there is just a little warmth left in the Rice Krispies-marshmallow mixture. Form into egg shapes and place on a plate to let them set up. Now, make your buttercream frosting as follows: Use an electric mixer to beat 2 cups confectioner's sugar, stick butter, teaspoon vanilla, and 2 tablespoons of milk, until the frosting is of spreading consistency. When the shaped eggs have cooled and set up, spread buttercream frosting on each of them (or, perhaps half of them, as desired). You may divide the frosting into separate portions and put a different food coloring in each one, in order to get a variety of colored Easter eggs. Set the frosted Easter eggs on a plate to let them set up. You can speed this up by placing them in the refrigerator. When your Easter eggs are read to display, make your "grass." Place 2 cups of flaked, sweetened coconut in a clean jar that has a screw-on lid. In a small custard cup, mix a few drops of green food coloring with 1 tablespoon water, until you get the desired color of green for your "grass." Add colored water to jar of coconut and screw the lid on tightly. Shake the coconut until it is uniformly tinted. Drain coconut on a tray that is covered with paper toweling. When drained, place the green coconut in a large bowl, to serve as "grass," in which to nestle your "Easter eggs." Arrange your Rice Krispies Easter Eggs on top of the grass in a pleasing fashion. This is a project that children will enjoy. Depending on their age, they can help with various parts of the process. This makes a nice centerpiece for an Easter tableif the Rice Krispies Easter Eggs don't get eaten in the meantime! They are delicious! Enjoy!!! Happy Easter from Betty and Carter!