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Brown Sugar Candy Glazed Baby Carrots


1. Empty the 14.5 oz. canned baby carrots (liquid and all) into a small pot and heat just to a boil over low heat. 2. While your carrots are heating make your Brown Sugar Candy Glaze.
3. In a small saucepan melt 2 tablespoons butter or margarine, and add 1 tablespoon cornstarch. mix thoroughly. 4. Add 1/2 cup brown sugar and 1/2 cup water. Mix well and place saucepan over low heat.
5. Cook and stir constantly, until the sauce becomes thickened and brown.
6. Remove the carrots when they are hot, and drain the water from them and discard the water.
7. Place the carrots attractively in a serving bowl.
8. Pour the hot, cooked brown sugar glaze over the top and stir to distribute the sauce.