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Bruschetta Caprese


Cut a loaf of hard wheat bread into four -inch (2 cm) thick slices (1), and toast them on both sides under the oven grill or on a flat griddle (2). Once golden brown, take each slice of toasted bread and scrub it with a clove of garlic (3) (one clove is enough for all the 4 slices of bread).
Once the slices of bread are ready, store them and prepare the ingredients you'll need to garnish your bruschetta caprese. Drain well the buffalo's milk mozzarella and dice it into small pieces (4); quarter the tomatoes as well (5). Pour the mozzarella, the black olives (6) and the tomatoes in a bowl, then add the crumbled oregano, the roughly chopped basil (7), the extra virgin olive oil (8), the salt and stir well to blend all the flavours together. Lay the toasted slices of bread on a serving dish and top them with the obtained mixture, equally divided for each slice (9). Drizzle your bruschetta slices with extra virgin olive oil and serve them.