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Cheesecake, New York Style


combine, and spread into bottom and up about
1" up the sides of a 10" springform pan (coat pan with cooking
spray if it is not nonstick) Press crumb crust in firmly and place in
freezer while you make the creamcheese filling.
Combine cream cheese with sugar and flour and beat together well,
add eggs, one at a time, beating after each addition. Add cream, vanilla and extract
and stir to combine.

Pour cheesecake mixture into springform pan, place on a large baking pan and put
in a preheated 350 oven for 15 mins. Lower oven temp to 250 and continue to bake for
1.5 hours or until cheesecake is almost completely set. Remove from oven and place on a
wire rack.

Combine sour cream, sugar and vanilla and spread over the top of the warm cheesecake. Return
to oven for 15 mins. Turn oven off, and open oven door, let cheesecake cool slowly in oven
for 30 mins. Remove from oven, carefully run a knife around edge to loosen and help
prevent cracking and cool completely to room temp. Topping will look prettier after
refrigeration. Cover cheesecake with plastic wrap and refrigerate at least 8 hours and up
to two days. Cheesecake freezes very well, to freeze wrap well in heavy duty foil or plastic
wrap, thaw in refrigerator.