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Chicken Curry


First of all gut the chicken and cut it into pieces (1), in order to have some "bites". Put the pieces of chicken in a saucepan where you've previously warmed the oil (2), and brown it for about 20 minutes on a low heat (3).
Add salt and a tablespoon of curry (4), stirring everything well. Once the chicken is amber-coloured, remove it from the saucepan and keep it aside. In the same gravy, let the finely chopped onion get soft (5) and add the minced garlic and the diced tomatoes (6).
Add the chicken (7) and let it stew for about 20 minutes basting it every now and then with hot water (8) or vegetable broth, so that the sauce remains quite thick (9).
In the meanwhile prepare the vegetables: cut the zucchini and the carrots into circles, dice the pepper and cut the apples into slices or small pieces. After 20 minutes, add the vegetables (10-11), half a tablespoon of curry (12), some salt and let it simmer for 20 minutes more, adding occasionally some hot water to have plenty of sauce. 2 minutes before the end of cooking, add half a tablespoon more of curry, stirring everything so that its aroma blends with the other ingredients. Serve it still hot with basmati rice or pilaf rice as side dish (see recipe)