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Chocolate Lava Cake


1. Prepare the chocolate pudding mix, according to package instructions.
2. Let cool a bit, then spoon pudding into 6 small muffin cups (sprayed with cooking oil spray), until muffin cups are about one-third to one-half full. Refrigerate until well set. (Note: It is better to put them in the freezer and get them just to the point where they contain ice crystals.)
3. Meanwhile, prepare chocolate cake batter. When the pudding is almost to the freezing point, remove the 6 circles of pudding from the muffin pan, and set them nearby.
4. Spoon cake batter into 6 large muffin cups (sprayed with cooking oil spray), until the muffin cups have -inch to 1-inch of cake batter in the bottom of the cups.
5. Place a circle of very cold pudding on top of the cake mixture in each muffin cup, and continue to fill the large muffin cups, until each is about 3/4-full.
6. When the 6 large muffin cups are prepared, place them in a 350 degree oven and bake until done, about 15 minutes, or according to cake mix instructions.
7. While hot (or very warm), serve each individual Chocolate Lava Cake, alongside a scoop or two of vanilla ice cream.