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Chocolate Marshmallow Cap'n Crunch Squares


1. Using a double boiler, melt 1 cup of milk chocolate chips.
2. If you do not have a double boiler, use a sauce pan over low heat, and stir often. Melt 1/2 stick margarine in a large pot on the stove.
3. Combine the melted margarine, melted chocolate, and the bag of marshmallows and cook over low heat, stirring until all ingredients are combined and smooth.
4. Add 6 cups of Cap'n Crunch cereal and mix until all cereal is coated.
5. Turn the mixture into a 13 inch by 9 inch by 2 inch pan (a Pyrex dish is perfect.).
6. Cool to room temperature. (You may speed the cooling process by refrigerating for about 20 minutes.)
7. When the mixture is cooled, cut into 24 squares (6 squares by 4 squares).
8. Use a spatula to remove the individual squares from the dish onto a serving plate.
9. You may stack them in layers, but expect them to be sticky.