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Cinnamon Rolls


Add the warm water to the yeast and soak 10 minutes.

Scald milk; pour over the shortening. Add sugar and salt and cool to tepid. Add the dissolved yeast and beaten egg. Add 4 cups flour adding one at a time beating after each addition.

Knead on floured board until elastic and smooth.

Turn dough into coated bowl. Let rise for 1-1/2 hours.

Mix brown sugar and cinnamon.

Press dough down and divide into workable size. Roll dough out into a rectangle. Cover with melted butter. Layer with a generous thick layer* of brown sugar and cinnamon mix . Roll up like jellyrolls

Cut off slices about 1 inches thick.

Let rise until rolls fill the pan generously...about another hour.

Bake in a 350 degree F oven about 20 minutes.

For the Frosting:In a medium bowl, place sugar, butter and vanilla. Then stir in evaporated milk.

Spread over warm rolls as soon as they are placed on a plate to let the frosting melt and run into the rolls.