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Creme Brulee


. Slice vanilla bean lengthwise, scrape seeds and resin from half the bean, place in large sauce pan with the other half of the vanilla bean.
2. Add heavy cream and scald (cook) on low heat until hot, but not boiling.
3. While cream is warming, whisk egg yolks and sugar thoroughly.
4. When cream is hot, ladle 1/2 cup into the yolks and sugar, mix.
5. Then pour all the cream into the mixture.
6. Mix, taking care not to whip air into the mixture.
7. Pour through a strainer into a clean bowl.
8. Remove bubbles (you have to see this).
9. Place a wet towel on the bottom of a large shallow baking dish.
10. Fill four ramekins almost to the top with the custard mixture.
11. Place three ramekins in the baking dish.
12. Add boiling water half way to the top of the baking dish, do not get water in ramekins.
13. Add last ramekin.
14. Bake 35 minutes at 325 degrees.
15. Test for doneness by tapping the side of a ramekin. Custard should jiggle a bit.
16. Chill ramekins for four hours.
17. Remove from refrigerator, fill top of each with brown sugar.
18. Place on a clean baking sheet.
19. Use blowtorch to burn the sugar on top of each ramekin.
20. Make sure no one makes off with your portion; this stuff is heaven on a spoon.
21. Assign someone else to clean up the kitchen.