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Flattened Chicken On The Grill


Prepare marinade: combine garlic, salt and pepper and herbs with olive oil.
Rinse chicken with cold water and pat dry. Remove excess fat from body cavity. Cut out backbone with kitchen shears
remove wishbone if desired. Turn chicken breast side up and open like a book. Press down firmly on breast to flatten and break
rib bones. Loosen skin from body under breast and thighs. Rub 1/2 of marinade under skin and spread remainder
all over outside of chicken. Cover and refrigerate at least 2 hours and up to 4. Prepare a grill for indirect grilling and grill chicken,
skin side down for 15 mins. Turn and grill for 10 mins more. Turn grill to direct heat and grill for 5-10 more mins, turn and grill
to get sear marks for 5-10 more minutes. Check for doneness with instant read thermometer (or by checking if juices run clear)
Remove from grill and tent with foil to let rest for 5-10 mins.