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Fried Mozzarella


with a crispy panko coatingBegin by slicing your mozzarella balls in half and setting them to drain in a strainer; if you have time, for 2 hours. Otherwise, if you have one of those centrifuges one uses to drain salad, give the pieces a quick spin, turn them, and spin them again. In either case, dredge the slices in the beaten egg, and again in the breadcrumbs, put them on a cookie sheet lined with wax paper, and chill them in the freezer for a half hour.

Fry the mozzarella disks for about a minute in hot oil. Arrange them on a serving dish, salt them well, and serve them at once with a tossed salad, crusty bread, and a brisk white wine, for example Gavi. In particular, La Scolca.