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Home Made Fried Falafel


*Soak the chickpeas for 12 hours. Drain and wash well.

*Chop the cilantro and the parsley rough chop.
*In the food processor, add chickpeas, parsley, coriander, and onions. Grind until all ingredients are mixed well and finely choppedd. The mixture should be smooth and homogeneous. Do this step in patches until all your ingredients are used up.
*Add spices to the mixture and mix well.
*Let the mixture stand for an hour to allow the flavors to develop, and the mixture will be easier to shape.

*Add one teaspoon of Bicarbonate Soda to the amount you are about to fry.

*Prepare the falafel stuffing.

*Shape the falafel rounds by hand or by the falafel shaper instrument if you have one. Fill the falafel with the stuffing and close the falafel ball well.

*Heat up the oil. Make sure your oil is very hot before you fry the falafel.

*Drop the falafel balls carefully, they fry fast. Do not stir while they are frying.

*Take out of the fryer and place on paper towels to drain the excess oil.
*Serve hot with pita bread, small diced salad, and tahini sauce. Enjoy!