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Homemade Vegan Pizza Recipe Vs Italian Healthy Vegan Recipes


1.The key to making a pizza without cheese is that you have to prepare the vegetables as you would to roast them, since they don't have the protective cover of the cheese layer. Do this by rubbing a bit of oil (for protection from the heat) and then a bit of salt (to help them soften) on the vegetables before laying them on your pizza.
2.If you like, spread a small amount of tomato sauce onto the focaccia bread. Lay the tomato slices to cover, and sprinkle the herbs and a bit of salt on them.
3.Toss the onion with a teaspoon of oil, then with a pinch of salt, and lay them on top of the tomatoes.
4.Next, toss the zucchini with another teaspoon of oil, then with a pinch of salt, and lay them on top of the onion.
5.Toss the eggplant with the last teaspoon on oil, then with a pinch of salt, and lay them on top of the zucchini. Slicing the eggplant slightly thinner than the zucchini will help them cook in the same amount of time. Put the pizza in the oven at about 350 degrees F, for about 20 minutes or until the vegetables are soft.
6.Serve with a simple green salad on the side, and plenty of napkins. I hope you enjoy this homemade vegan pizza recipe, the latest of my healthy vegan recipes.