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How To Freeze Fresh Rosemary


Preparing the Rosemary

First, gently wash, then pat dry the fresh rosemary. Place the rosemary on the counter and get a plate or a baking sheet and either an air tight container or a zip lock freezer safe bag. Separate the rosemary from each other and lay the pieces separately on either the plate or the cookie sheet. Once that is done, put the plate or sheet in the freezer and leave in there for approximately one to one and half hours depending on how many Rrosemary leaves you are freezing.3
Freezing the Rosemary

Once you have taken the frozen, separated rosemary out of the freezer, put the Rosemary plants in the freezer safe bag, (make sure to squeeze all the air out of it) or the air tight container of your choice and simply put them in the freezer. Now the rosemary will not freeze together in a clump; instead it is frozen in separate sections, making it easier to access and to cook with.3