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How To Make Chocolate Covered Corn Flakes


1. Melt chocolate in a double boiler until it reaches a temperature of 100 degrees.
2. Pour into a large mixing bowl and temper using a rubber spatula to stir the crystallized (hardened) chocolate around the outside edges back into the center of the melted chocolate until the temperature of the mixture reaches approximately 90 degrees.
3. Place corn flakes into second mixing bowl.
4. Add chocolate to corn flakes - as much or as little as you prefer.
5. Mix until cornflakes are just covered.
6. Gather mixture to one side on the mixing bowl and spoon individual mounds onto a baking sheet covered with parchment paper or aluminum foil. (Note: If the mixture hardens beyond the point where you can finish spooning out all the mounds, use a hair dryer and blow hot air over the mixture to soften it. Don't exceed 91 to 92 degrees.)
7. Place baking sheet into refrigerator for approximately 10 minutes. (Do not leave in for longer than 10 minutes because water may condense out of the chocolate and melt some of the sugar in the chocolate. Condensation will discolor the chocolate.)
8. Remove chocolate-covered corn flakes from parchment paper and place on serving dish or storage container. If you are sharing with friends as gifts, place directly into small clear bags, and tie with decorative ribbon. (Optional)