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How To Make Tortillas


Combine dry ingredients well. Add oil and milk and mix to form a soft dough. Turn dough lump out onto a floured board and knead for two minutes.

You will need to add more flour a little at a time as you knead. After about a minute, the dough will change from very soft and squishy and easily torn, to slightly firmer and stretchier. At the end of two minutes, it will be a smooth dough ball, no longer sticky, but elastic. Put this beautiful dough ball back in the bowl from whence it came and cover it with a damp cloth for thirty minutes. This resting step should not be omitted the resting allows the gluten molecules in the flour to align themselves perfectly to create a tender, chewy tortilla and also to possibly take over the world.

After thirty minutes, come back and divide the dough into 8-12 equally sized balls. Easiest way to do it is to divide in half, then each half again, etc. The balls will be about the size of a golf ball or ping-pong ball. Put the balls on a plate and let them rest another ten minutes. Patience.

Come back and on a lightly floured surface, pat each ball out flat to start it, then with your floured rolling pin, roll into a circle (or as close as you can get it) about 8 inches in diameter. Remember when rolling stuff out: start at the middle of the circle and push out to the edge. Then back to the middle and towards another edge. Keep going around until you have a circlish thing that looks like a tortilla.

Once youve gotten the hang of it, go ahead and turn your cast iron skillet or griddle on high heat. Let it heat up sexy-hot while you continue to roll out tortillas. When its hot as shit, throw a tortilla on there. After about a minute it will start to grow bubble-warts. When those bubbles have almost covered the whole surface of the tortilla, flip it over for another thirty seconds or so. Put it on a plate and do that with the rest of your dough discs.

And THAT is how you do it.