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In The Kitchen With Ken: Achiote Shrimp


Crumble the brick of achiote paste into a blender add the orange and lemon juice. Blend until smooth. Peel and devein the shrimp and add to a pan over medium high heat. Pour the achiote mixture over the shrimp and stir until the shrimp are coated well. Saute about 5 minutes, or until shrimp are cooked through, and serve hot.

If you are using fresh beans, soak them in water overnight. You can also use canned beans. In a medium pan, place the diced onion and garlic with some olive oil and cook until the onions begin to get clear. Add 2 tablespoons of lime juice and stir well. Once the onions are ready, add beans and stir until everything is mixed together. Heat to a boil then remove from heat. Crumble a bit of feta over the beans before serving.