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Korean Food: Pine Nut Porridge ( )


Soak cup of short grain rice in water for about 2 hours. If you are short on time, soak the rice for at least 30 minutes.

Prepare cup of pine nuts. Remove the top part from each nut.

After 2 hours, drain the water. You will get about 1 cup of soaked rice.

Grind the drained rice with 1 cup of water in a blender until there are no chunks. I ground it for about a minute on high speed.

Strain the rice mixture for soft and creamy porridge. Then add 3 cups of water into the pan.

Grind cup of pine nuts with cup of water in a blender for about half a minute on high speed.

Cook the rice mixture for about 10 to 15 minutes on medium. Keep stirring it with wooden spoon, or your porridge will get lumpy.

When the porridge becomes thick and starts to bubble, it is ready for the pine nuts.

Pour the pine nut mixture into the porridge, stirring gently. It is important not to stir too often though, or the pine nuts will make your porridge become too watery. Once it starts to boil again, cook for 3 more minutes on medium-high.

This recipe does not make thick porridge. If you want a thicker texture, you can reduce the amount of water.

After it is done cooking, add 1 tsp of sugar and about tsp of salt. Mix gently and serve. Depending on your tastes, you can adjust the amount of sugar and salt.