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Make A Wish Fish Cake


Bake your favorite 1-layer cake recipe or mix in round pan. Cool cake in pan on wire rack 10 minutes. Remove from pan and cool completely. Add crumb coating to cake with metal spatula.

Trace round pan on a 14 in. cake board. Draw in top fin and tail against the 8 in. tracing on the board creating fish shape. Cut out the board; wrap with foil. Arrange cake on prepared board.

Combine green and yellow icing colors to tint icing. Using spatula, ice top in an up-and-down scallop motion to create a scale effect, then ice sides bringing down the same motion. For eye, attach a M&M to a gumdrop using a dot of icing; position on cake.

Cut spice drops horizontally in half. Place on a flat surface sprinkled with granulated sugar and flatten with a rolling pin or your hand. Position flattened spice drops on cake top.

Position red jelly slices for lips. Position two orange jelly slices for side fins. Position orange slices stacked 3 high on cake sides for top and tail fins.