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Marshmallow Snowman


1. Make the scarf with the string licorice by tying that around the end of the top marshmallow.
2. Next, take decorating gel and make the eyes, nose and mouth on the top marshmallow.
3. Take one oreo spread frosting on top. Take a toothpick and stick through.
4. Then, on that toothpick place 2 marshmallows on top of each other.
5. Now, take one pretzel stick and break in half. On each side of the second marshmallow stick the pretzel in the side for arms.
6. Next, take one piece of candy (miniature reese's cup, hershey's kiss, gum drop) put frosting on the bottom of candy and place on top of the "head" marshmallow.
7. This is the snowman's hat. Have fun and get creative and of course enjoy...the Meals in a Rush way.