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Meals In A Rush Chocolate Mug Cake


Add dry ingredients to mug and mix well with a spoon. Add the egg and mix thoroughly. Pour in milk and oil and mix well again. Add the chocolate chips and vanilla extract and mix again. Mix until it's a nice creamy texture and all ingredients are combined. Make sure you really stir around the sides all the way to the bottom. Put your mug into the microwave and cook for 3 minutes at 1000 watts and at the normal setting you would to heat up any other type of food. All microwaves are different. So, for your first time test out the time starting at 3 minutes and see how that works. Once cooked, take out and allow to cool a bit. Take a butter knife or something to gently go around the cup to loosen up. Tip out onto a plate. The cake should be nice and firm and cooked all the way through. YUM! You can also eat the cake right out of the mug! Serve with a scoop of ice-cream or cool-whip! Enjoy...the Meals in a Rush way.