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Mujaddara Rice And Lentils


1. Wash and boil brown lentils until they are tender. Drain.
2. Caramelize the onions by simmering them with cooking oil on medium heat. They will take a while to turn into that desired golden brown color. They burn easy if you turn your head away from it, so keep an eye on them!! You may increase the amount of the caramelized onions to garnish your dish with.
3. Add the lentils to the onion and oil mix stir around for couple of minutes then add the rice.
4. My personal recipe consists of using already cooked rice, or leftover rice. From my own experience, I found out that the rice and lentils both will keep their shape avoiding having lumps in the dish or having it to be too wet.
5. Top with the previously reserved caramelized onions.
6. Plate the Mujaddara and top with caramelized onions if desired. Serve hot next to simple peasant salad which includes small cut tomatoes and cucumber dressed with olive oil and lemon juice.
7.You may serve it next to plain yogurt too.