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Orecchiette With Turnip Tops


Take the turnip tops (1) already cleaned (which consists in removing the big or damaged leaves and the toughest parts of the stems, keeping the tender and small parts), cut them into pieces and wash them well under cold running water (2). Cut the chili pepper into circles (3).
Put a pot on the stove with plenty of salted water and when it comes to a boil add the turnip tops (4-5); once boiled, drain them and keep the cooking water aside, which will be put on the fire again to boil the orecchiette. Meanwhile, in a saucepan, brown lightly the 2 cloves of garlic, smashed or finely cut, with the oil, the anchovies cut into pieces and the chopped chili pepper (6).
When the garlic is golden brown and the anchovies are smashed (don't fry them for too long or they'll become bitter), add the well drained turnip tops and saut them for a few minutes (7). Then boil the orecchiette in the same cooking water used for the turnip tops (9).
Drain the orecchiette al dente and add them to the dressing in the saucepan (10), saut them for a few seconds adding some of the cooking water if too dry (11), then serve immediately (12).