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Oven Baked Round Steak And Rich Gravy


1. Sprinkle meat tenderizer on top and bottom of each of the eye of round steaks.
2. Place them two at a time in the 1 1/4 cups flour, which is in a zip lock bag.
3. Shake the bag to coat the steaks. Heat 1/4 cup peanut oil in an iron (or other oven-proof) skillet on a cooktop. Do not let it smoke.
4. When the oil is properly heated, place the flour-coated steaks one by one in the hot peanut oil.
5. When the steaks brown on one side, turn them over, and keep shifting the 6 steaks in the skillet until all sides have been exposed to the hot oil.
6. Now, remove the skillet from the cooktop, and place it toward the center of an oven that has been preheated to 400 degrees.
7. Cook the steaks for 30 to 35 minutes, checking occasionally, and turning if they look brown on the bottom.
8. When they look browned and done, remove the skillet from the oven and place it back on the cooktop.
9. Remove all of the steaks to a platter that is covered with paper toweling to drain any excess grease.
10. Then move the steaks to a nice serving platter. You are now ready to make your rich steak gravy.
11. Empty *all* of the grease out of the skillet, leaving only crumbs from the baking of the round steak. Discard the emptied grease.
12. Now, put 1/2 cup of your leftover flour from the zip lock bag into the skillet of pan drippings and crumbs.
13. Add 2 cups of water and stir all of this, scraping the bottom and sides to get all of the crumbs into the gravy. At the same time mash and stir the lumps of flour, until it is all smooth.
14. Next, turn on the heat under the skillet, and begin cooking your gravy.
15. Stir constantly at the beginning, and then occasionally.
16. Immediately add more water if the gravy begins to get too thick. (In the video, I added 1 1/2 cups of additional water.)
17. Salt to taste, and continue to cook the gravy for about 8 minutes, until it is brown and bubbly.