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Paella De Marisco


Let's prepare together the paella the marisco, the famous rice and shellfish dish from Spain world wide known.


Hi Giallozafferano's friends, how many of you have ever eaten or heard about the paella? Well, today we'll be preparing it together. The paella is a rice-based single course typical of Spain, which takes its name from the frying pan used to cook and serve it. It can be prepared with several ingredients, and today we'll make the paella de marisco, or shellfish paella.
But let's see together what ingredients we'll need:

Well, let's prepare together the paella de marisco:
In this frying pan I've put the mussels, well cleaned, I've covered with a lid and I've let them open on a high flame. Once they are open, drain them and keep the cooking liquid to cook the rice. Subtract the weight of the mussel water from the weight of the fish stock and substitute in order to obtain the same total amount of liquid for cooking the rice, that is 5 cups (1,2 lt).
In our frying pan I've put 10 tbsp of oil, the prawns and the scampi; brown them on both sides, then take them out of the pan and keep them warm.
After taking out the scampi and the prawns of the pan, I've put in the finely chopped onion and garlic which I've browned on a low flame for at least 5 minutes, in the meanwhile I've cleaned the squids by gutting and skinning them, and I've cut them into circles. Now add them in the frying pan and brown for 5 to 10 minutes, according to their dimension.
Now it's time to add the tomato puree and the already mixed spices. Blend all the ingredients well, after that we're ready to add the stock.
Now we'll add the liquids, so add first the mussel liquid, which is more than cup (150 g), the same quantity subtracted from the fish stock; so we won't use 5 cups (1,2 lt) of fish stock, but less than 4 cups, since it has been substituted with this one... and the fish stock. As soon as the liquid comes to a boil, we'll add the rice.
It's time to add the rice, which can be of either the Arborio or the Japonica variety, so pour it into the pan and stir just at the beginning to spread it evenly, after that don't touch it anymore. Cook for 7 minutes on a high flame, then lower the heat and cook for 10 minutes more on a medium flame.
7 min. -- high heat
10 min. -- medium heat
While the rice is cooking, I'll give you some advice: before adding the rice, check if the cooking liquid is sapid enough, because after adding the rice you won't be able to adjust it anymore; another important thing to know in order to make a successful paella is the right quantity of liquid to use for cooking. Its ratio to rice is 3 to 1, so if you have 1 cup of rice, you'll need 3 cups of liquid to cook the paella. That said, 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add the prawns and the scampi in the frying pan. Arrange them accurately, since they'll stay there when serving. Now finish cooking the paella.
One minute before the end of cooking, add the mussels, partially shelled. Arrange the whole mussels all around the pan. Once cooked, let the paella rest for a couple of minutes before serving.
Now our paella de marisco is ready, and you can serve it in its traditional pan, so from Sonia and GialloZafferano bye and happy paella to everybody!