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Pan Seared Garlic Filet Mignon Beef Steak


1. In an appropriately sized skillet, pour about 1 tablespoon oilive oil.
2. Add 1 clove of finely minced garlic.
3. Let the garlic soften in the oil over low heat for a couple of minutes while you prepare your steaks.
4. Sprinkle the top and bottom of each filet mignon steak slightly with meat tenderizer.
5. Then grind fresh black pepper over the top and bottom of each steak.
6. Place the steaks in the prepared skillet, and cook them, watching them continuously.
7. Turn them when they begin to brown, and watch to make sure that you don't overcook them.
8. Also, watch to make sure you do not burn the garlic.
9. When the steaks are at your desired level of doneness, remove them from the skillet, and place them on a serving dish!