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Perfect Grilled Hamburgers


1. Combine all ingredients.
2. Shape mixture into four half pound (8 ounce) steak burgers.
3. Score top in checkerboard pattern
4. Place steak burgers on very hot gas grill (500-600 degrees).
5. Cover grill to cook evenly and sear in juices. Flip burgers with spatula half way through the cook time, depending on your preferred doneness. (Medium rare: 8 minutes total. Flip at 4. Medium: 10-12 minute total. Flip at 5-6.) Resist the urge to press the burger down. This will only release juices and diminish flavor.
6. Close lid again and cook for the remaining 4-6 minutes.
7. Use the hand trick to tell doneness of your steak burgers.

* Medium rare: burgers should feel like the base of your thumb spongy with a little bit of give.
* Medium: burgers should feel like the middle of your palm firmer.