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Pomme Dauphinois


1. Peel the potatoes and wash and slice them lengthways, as thinly as you can.

2. The slicing blade of a food processor is perfect for this.

3. Take a gratin dish, about 1 1/2 inches (4 cm) deep, and rub round the inside with the cut garlic.

4. Then grease it with the butter after the garlic has dried.

5. Put in the sliced potatoes in neat layers, and add salt and pepper.

6. Carefully pour the milk and cream over the lot, and put into a medium oven, gas mark 4 / 350F / 180C / 160C for 45-50 minutes until the top is crisp and golden and the inside wonderfully creamy.

Eat with sausages, grilled meat, or on its own with good bread.