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Saffron Mango Mousse (shrikhand)


1. Warm up Milk and soak the Saffron in it.
2. Set aside till ready to use.
3. Wash and peel the Mango.
4. Cut around the stone (seed).
4. Put the Mango in a Food Processor.
5. Add Sugar and give it a couple of quick pulses.
6. Roughly cube the Cream Cheese and add to the Food Processor.
7. To this add in Sour Cream, Saffron soaked in Milk and Powdered Cardamom.
8. Close Food Processor and mix well.
9. Half way through you can do the taste test and make sure the Sugar is right on for you.
10. Add 3/4th of the chopped Pistachios to the food processor, save balance of the nuts for topping.
11. Give the mousse one more quick pulse.
12. Transfer into a serving dish or pie.
13. Garnish with the balance of the Pistachios and a few stands of Saffron (optional).
14. Allow it to chill in the refrigerator for at least an hour.
15. Serve Chilled.