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Sea Bass In A Salt Crust


This is our sea bass, as you can see it's already gutted; so just wash it, then chop all the aromatic herbs and grate the zest of the organic lemon. In a small bowl, mix a spoonful of chopped aromatic herbs, the minced garlic and a teaspoon of lemon zest. With this mixture... fill the belly of the fish.
In a large bowl, put the 3 whipped egg whites, add the remaining chopped aromatic herbs and the grated lemon zest, after that add the table salt and the coarse salt.
The mixture for coating the fish is ready. If you think it's too dry, you can add 1 more egg white or a little water. Take a baking pan, line with parchment paper and make a bed of salt, about 6/10 inch (1 cm) thick. Now take the sea bass, lay it on the bed and cover with the mixture.
We're ready to bake our sea bass, completely coated with a salt and herb crust: we'll bake it at 390F (200C) for 40 minutes.
40 min. -- 390F (200C)
After such time, take the sea bass out of the oven, let it rest for 5 minutes, then break the crust with a kitchen hammer.
Our wonderful sea bass is ready! With this cooking method, we'll maintain and enhance the flavor of the sea bass, thanks to the protective crust of salt. Before tasting, you must remove the head, the skin, cut into halves and remove the central bone, then you can serve it with extra virgin olive oil, pepper or any dressing you like. From Sonia and GialloZafferano, bye bye and see you next video recipe.