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Shepherd's Pie


1. Heat a cooking pot and melt the butter.

2. Put-in the onion when the butter melts, and then cook until the onion becomes soft.

3. Add the ground beef and cook until brown (about 5 to 10 minutes)

4. Put-in the Worcestershire sauce, salt, ground black pepper, and beef broth. Stir and simmer for 12 minutes.

5. Add the mix vegetables. Stir and cook for 3 to 5 minutes.

6. Turn-off heat and let it cool.

7. Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.

8. Transfer the cooked mixture to a baking tray.

9. Arrange the mashed potato over the cooked mixture, and then bake for 25 to 30 minutes.

10. Remove from the oven and serve.

11. Share and enjoy!