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Easy Fruit Punch Recipe
made with Watermelon & Lemon

* I n g r e d i e n t s *
1/2 a Watermelon (juice the rinds too, but ONLY if the watermelon is organic!)
1 Lemon (leave peel on if organic; cut peel off if inorganic)

* P r e p a r a t i o n *
1) Run all ingredients through your Breville juicer, or whatever the best juicer is for you.

2) Add ice, if desired

3) Enjoy!

* I n s p i r a t i o n *
What are you going to do for energy? You're going to consume living water present in fruits and vegetables which are infused with fructose, natural fruit sugars.

Lemons have 'pulling' and astringent effects in the body which open up the lymphatic system, cleanse the kidneys, flush the liver.

Fruit is a 'stimulant,' so I don't understand why everyone doesn't consume just fruit for breakfast!

When you need to be more balanced and steady, make sure to eat vegetables!

Perhaps one reason why fruits and vegetables aren't more popular as a basis for our diet is because there isn't much profit in one can patent a watermelon! Everyone already agrees that watermelon is good for us, so you never hear anything on the news about watermelon controversies.

As your level of consciousness is raised, via the clarity that raw fruits and vegetables provide, you may find yourself less interested in things like trashy magazines and violent movies...not that they are inherently bad, but again, you may just become significantly less interested in them. Actually, you may be more interested in YOUR life as the 'exciting' movie or celebrity to observe! However, it would not be wise to be 'hooked' on you having an interesting life, or that people think you are interesting, for everything ebbs and flows. You are NOT your are the OBSERVER of life that is being played out through you. Laugh at yourself! Don't take things so seriously!

Lighten up today! Laugh at the whole cosmic joke that is your life! Play with it. Even if you have no hope for anything positive in your life, just plant some seeds of abundance, hope, prosperity and love in your mind just for fun, why not? Those things are more pleasant, and it is more aligned with who you really are...which is the infinite field of peace and love!

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Love, Dan