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Simplest Ever Vegan French Toast Recipe On Video


1.Blend the bananas with enough water to make a runny but thick consistency. Blend or stir in the spices. Heat a pan to medium-high, and add a teaspoon or less of olive oil. Dip a piece of bread in the batter quickly, coating both sides, then lay in the pan. Try to get a bit of the oil underneath the slice. Repeat for as many slices as will fit in your pan. Leave the toast to cook on the first side until they are lightly browned. Flip, and cook until lightly browned on the other side as well.
2.Serve topped with your favorite fresh fruit, some lightly cooked berries, or some real maple syrup. I hope you enjoy this vegan french toast recipe, the latest of my healthy vegan recipes, as much as we did this morning.