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Spiced Tapioca Sago


1. Wash, drain and soak Sabudana in 1/2 cup of water (covered) for minimum 2 hrs or up to 8 hrs. Toss with a spoon occasionally.
2. Mix Salt, Sugar, Lime Juice and Powdered Peanuts into the soaked sabudana.
3. Heat Oil and Ghee in a medium non-stick pan.
4. Add Cumin Seeds and let them splutter.
5. Add chopped Green Chilies and Whole Peanuts. Cook for 1 minute.
6. Add chopped Potatoes and Salt. Cook uncovered until potatoes are tender.
7. Add sabudana mixture to the potatoes and mix well.
8. Set stove to low, cover and cook for 1-2 minutes. Check and adjust Salt, Lime Juice and Sugar.
9. Add Shredded Coconut and chopped Cilantro Leaves and mix.
10. Keep stirring every 1-2 minutes and re-covering the pan. Sprinkle a little water if the sabudana look like they are drying out.
10. Total cooking time will be approx 8-10 minutes.
11. Serve hot.