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The Different Varieties Of Avocado


Mahalo expert chef Miranda Valentine explains the differences in several varieties of avocado.
Hass Variety

The most popular California avocado variety, Hass avocados have a dark green skin that is pebbly and pliable to the touch.1

Pinkerton Variety

One of the top two avocado varieties, Pinkertons have a longer pear-like shape as compared to the Hass variety. They are easier to peel than other avocado types and their trees tend to yield more fruit than any other.1

Bacon Variety

The green-skinned Bacon avocado has a light taste and is easy to peel. Its skin darkens slightly when it is ripe and ready to eat.2

Fuerte Variety

Another favorite is the Fuerte avocado, known for its pear shape, similar to the Pinkerton. Its skin is smooth and green and does not change in color when ripe.2

Gwen Variety

Similar to the Hass is the Gwen with its pebbly, pliable green skin and plump appearance, though is usually slightly larger in size.2

Lamb Hass Variety

The Lamb Hass is larger than the Hass but with the same pebbly skin that darkens as it ripens. This avocado type is known for its smooth, creamy, nutty taste.2

Reed Variety

A larger rounder avocado type is the Reed, with a thick green skin that has slight pebbling. There is no difference in color between a ripe and unripened Reed avocado.2

Zutano Variety

Zutanos are more pear-shaped, like the Pinkerton, but with shiny, yellow-green skin that is nearly smooth. The skin of the Zutano keeps its color when ripe. It is known for its light taste.