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Triple Chocolate Frozen Ice Cream Pie


1. Spread 1/3 cup hot fudge topping(at room temperature) evenly over the bottom of the chocolate pie crust. 2. Spoon the softened chocolate ice cream over the fudge topping, and spread evenly.
3. The filling should reach the top of the pie crust. Freeze the pie until firm (about 4 hours).
4. Remove the pie from the freezer, and spread another 1/3 cup of hot fudge topping over the top. (You may need to microwave this a bit to make it spreadable, but don't get it too hot, or it will melt the cake.)
5. Gently spoon whipped topping over the fudge topping, and spread it in an attractive manner.
6. Sprinkle with chocolate curls and toasted almonds.
7. Place the pie back in the freezer for 8 hours or overnight.