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Uramaki Sushi Roll


Step 1

put the rolling mat on a place with flat and smooth surface, we have covered it in cling film so it can be cleaned easily.
Lay the nori which is the seaweed on top, closest to edge that is nearest to you.

Moisten your hands in the bowl of water. Then spread a thin layer of the specially prepared sushi rice on top of the nori. Make sure the rice evenly covers the nori and press it down firmly, ensuring the rice has stuck, without mashing the kernels.
Step 2

Flip the nori over so laying rice side is down.
Place the avocado strips horizontally across the centre of the nori. Then squeeze a line of mayonnaise next to that. If you do not have a squeezy container, you can use a knife to spread a thin line instead. Place the crab on top of the mayonnaise. Make sure the fillings lie evenly as this will make fir a better roll.
Step 3

lift up the nearest side of the mat and fold it over to make a cylindrical shape. Use your fingers to tuck in the edge of the nori to make a complete roll.
Keep pressing the roll gently, using your fingers to compress and shape the Uramaki. Make sure not to press it too hard but be sure that it is in a good even size.
Step 4

In order to complete the roll, put the Uramaki in a container of roe, keep turning it until it is covered. If there is no such a large amount of roe, you could use your hands to press the roe into the roll.
Step 5

Slice the roll into two. Place the 2 sides parallel to each other, then slice them into six pieces.
Dip the end of your knife in the water bowl, it makes it easier to slice through the roll cleanly.
Step 6

Turn each slice on its side, So you to see the colours and pattern of the fillings, and the display on a serving plate.