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Veal Cutlets With Parsley


1. First of all, get a slice of veal, pound it flat and flour it.
2. Once the slices are all floured, melt 3 and a half tbsp of butter in a large pan and let the cutlets become golden on both sides.
3. Once they're browned, take them out of the pan and let them rest while hot on a plate.
4. The cutlets have become golden. Now take them out of the pan and then season them a bit, and then deglaze the bottom of the pan with the white wine. Leave the wine to cook off and then move to the next step.
5. As you can see the wine is evaporated. Now, add the broth, the rest of the butter, I also like to add a few bits of lemon peel -- this is optional -- and take them out before serving the sauce. They'll give the dish a lovely fragrance.
6. And now the juice from the lemon. Leave the sauce to thicken up a bit and then adjust the seasoning, turn off the heat and add the parsley. This is the sauce that will garnish the veal cutlets.
7. And here are our veal cutlets with erborin, parsley that is, ready to be dressed with the sauce we've prepared. If you'd like the sauce to be denser, sift in a half teaspoon of flour.