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Wegmans Grilled Mojo Pork Tenderloin With Salsa Verde & Corn And Black Beans


Preheat grill on HIGH 10 min.

Clean grill with wire brush. Using soft cloth, coat grill grate lightly with vegetable oil.

Drizzle all sides of pork with basting oil (too much oil will cause flare-ups on the grill); season with salt and pepper.

Reduce heat to MEDIUM. Sear pork on grill 2-4 min, until meat has changed color one-quarter of the way up from bottom. Turn over; baste (brush seared side with basting oil). Sear 2-3 min. Turn over; baste. Turn over again; baste. Reduce heat to LOW; close cover. Cook 8-10 min, until internal temp reaches 145 degrees. Check by inserting thermometer halfway into thickest part of meat.

Transfer to clean platter. Let rest 5-10 min. Transfer to serving platter; serve with salsa.
Serve with grilled corn or Wegmans Flour Tortillas.