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Wegmans Pan Seared Chicken With Peach & Chive Pan Gravy


Heat olive oil in large pan on MEDIUM-HIGH, until oil faintly smokes; add chicken. Turn over when chicken changes color one-quarter of way up and seared side has turned paper-bag brown, 3-4 min. Reduce heat to MEDIUM; cook chicken 12-15 min, until internal temp reaches 165 degrees. Check by inserting thermometer halfway into thickest part of chicken. Transfer to clean platter. Keep warm in oven while preparing gravy.

Add shallots to same pan with chicken juices. Cook, stirring, 2-3 min on MEDIUM-HIGH. Add peaches. Cook, stirring, 4-5 min to caramelize peaches. Add wine, stirring to loosen browned bits on bottom of pan. Cook about 10 min on MEDIUM-LOW until liquid is thickened and peaches are soft and browned. Add gravy. Cook, stirring, until combined and heated through. Add chives.