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Angelic Frozen Coconut Caramel Pie


1. Melt 1/2 stick butter in a large skillet over medium heat.
2. Add 7 oz. flaked coconut and 1/2 cup chopped pecans.
3. Cook, stirring constantly, until the mixture is crispy and browned (not black).
4. This mixture is easy to burn, so keep watching vigilantly and stirring continually.
5. Remove it immediately from heat when it is done, as it has a tendency to cook a little more after that.
6. Set the mixture aside and let it cool to room temperature. (You can speed this up by placing the skillet in a refrigerator, after it has cooled a bit.)
7. When your coconut-pecan mixture is cooled, make the filling.
8. Place 8 oz. softened cream cheese in a large mixing bowl, and mash it with a fork until fairly smooth.
9. Add a 14 oz. can of sweetened condensed milk to the cream cheese, and use a mixer to blend completely. 10. Next, fold in 16 oz. whipped topping thoroughly.
11. Now, you are ready to assemble your pies. Place 1/4 of the whipped topping mixture in the bottom of each of 2 baked 9-inch pie crusts.
12. Drizzle 1/4 jar of caramel topping over the top of each pie.
13. Now spread 1/4 of the coconut mixture over the top of each of the two pies.
14. Repeat these layers on each pie: the whipped topping layer, the caramel topping layer, and the coconut topping layer.
15. Your pie is complete! Immediately, place the two pies in the freezer until they are set up.
16. Then, cover them with aluminum foil, and freeze until ready to serve.
17. When ready to serve, let them stand at room temperature for about 5 minutes before you cut them into wedges and serve on a serving dish.