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Basil & Tomato Infused Oil


1. Now were going to start with our basil. Were going to blanch it in order to kind of bring a little salty to the flavor. Now, we have a pan with about a cup and a half of water that we have brought to a boil and to that well add a teaspoon of salt. Lets give that a quick mix. Now were just going to add our basil into this just for a couple of seconds, just to get blanched.

And in a bowl with some paper towels just to drain it off most of this water. And bring it to your cutting board. You just want to kind of pat dry the basil and get rid of any excess moisture in it.

In a food processor here but you can definitely use a blender if you dont have one at home. Now for this amount of basil leaves, which was about maybe an ounce, well put in three or four sun-dried tomatoes. For this, youre just going to give quick, quick pulses until you get the sun-dried tomatoes incorporated with it, or just a little chop on. And now were just going to start adding our oil. Were going to put our food processor in a low level. And start slowly adding our oil. There we go.

Now to strain this we have a French coffee press. If you dont have one of these at home, you can certainly just use coffee filters and place it over a cup and wait until it kind of drains out.
And some of the uses of this oil, you can use it to garnish plates, spring a little bit more flavor into them. You can also make a vinaigrette with the oil. Or you can just keep it on your counter top and look nice.
Now what the French press is going to do is its going to allow us to drain the oil without getting any of the basil or sun-dried tomatoes into it. Were just going to pour this into our container. There you have it.