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Pesto Sauce


To prepare the pesto sauce, it's important to know that: first, the basil leaves should not be washed, but cleaned with a soft towel (1); second, you should use the narrow leaf Ligurian or Genoese basil (the large leaf basil often has a mint aroma). So, put the peeled garlic into the mortar (2), together with some grains of coarse salt (3).
Begin to crush (4) the garlic to a cream, then add the basil leaves together with a pinch of coarse salt (6), which will help crush the fibres and maintain a nice and green colour; crush the basil against the sides of the mortar rolling at the same time the pestle in a clockwise direction and the mortar in a counter-clockwise direction, holding it by the "ears", its 4 characteristic semi-circular projections (7), and continue until a bright green liquid will come out of the basil leaves (8); at this point add the pine nuts and crush everything again to a cream.
Add the cheeses little by little stirring constantly, which will make the sauce creamier, and finally drizzle in the extra virgin olive oil, always stirring with the pestle. Blend all the ingredients well until you obtain an even sauce