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Basra Date Tarts


Put the yogurt in a coffee filter or a double layer of cheese cloth to strain overnight.
Preheat the oven to 375 F.
Pit the dates, and then mash them up.
I use my hands, and add a tablespoon of hot water to moisten them.
Add the oatmeal and walnuts and stir until the dates hold together.
Butter and flour the tart shells for easier removal.
Fit the date mixture into the shell.
Bake for about 10-15 minutes until they puff up a little and form a crust.
Cool completely.
Mix the drained yogurt, honey, and rosewater.
Fill the date shells with the yogurt mixture.
Form a little oasis in the middle, and fill it with honey.
Toast the walnuts, and fill the little oasis of honey with the crunchy nuts.