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Beer Can Turkey


Remove giblets, neck and any excess fat from turkey. Rinse with cold water; drain well.
In a small bowl combine spices, herbs and seasonings.
Meanwhile, preheat gas grill with all burners on high or build a charcoal fire. Reduce heat to Indirect Medium heat (about 350F) or position gray-ashed briquettes on either side of an aluminum drip pan. Pour beer inside turkey sitter and set aside.
Blot turkey dry with paper towels. Rub interior of bird with 2 to 3 teaspoons of rub mixture. Brush turkey all over with oil and place drumstick-side down on sitter. Season turkey exterior with remaining rub.
Place turkey/sitter directly on the grill rack cooking grate, carefully balancing the bird.
Grill over Indirect Medium heat for about 2 to 3 hours until the juices run clear and a meat thermometer registers 185F (approximately 85C) in thigh and 170F (80C) in breast. Wearing barbecue mitts, carefully remove turkey from the grill, being careful not to spill the hot beer. Discard the beer.
Let turkey rest at least 20 minutes before carving. Serve warm.