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Berry Brulee


Preheat broiler.
Divide berries evenly among 4 7-ounce ramekins.
In a small bowl mix together liqueur, heavy cream and custard, and spoon over berries.
Sprinkle 2 tablespoons sugar over each serving.
Broil 2=4 minutes until sugar melts and crystallizes, turning brown and bubbly. Cool slightly, so the sugar top will harden and serve warm.

Tip: The essence of this dessert is the soft creamy fruit center and the crunchy sugar top. So for those watching calories or just looking for a more health conscious dessert choice you can completely omit the heavy cream and fruit liqueur. Even a sugar free and/or fat free pudding works perfectly as a substitution for the custard or full fat pudding. And then youll have a healthful, light, creamy and dare I say better option for dessert. Fresh berries are also a delicious alternative to the frozen fruit just remember to wash, clean and check them for any infestation.