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Best Garlic Mashed Potatoes Recipe Healthy Vegan Recipes On Video


1.Boil the potato chunks in lightly salted water until they are soft, about 20 minutes. Saute (minced) or bake (whole) the garlic cloves. Drain the potatoes (save some water for the gravy if you like), leaving some water in to mash them with. Mash, adding garlic, grain/nut milk and salt to your personal taste and texture. Using a hand blender or beaters will make your potatoes very creamy if you like that.
2.While the potatoes boil, saute the mushrooms in the oil until they are very dark and soft. This will take about 20 minutes. Once they have released and then reabsorbed their own liquid, deglaze the pan with red wine. Add the water & balsamic vinegar, along with a pinch of salt to bring the flavors together. Keep this on the heat while you dissolve the arrowroot in a small amount of water. Stir it into the sauce, and keep stirring until it heat almost to a boil and thickens. I hope you enjoy this best garlic mashed potatoes recipe, the latest of my healthy vegan recipes.