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Broccoli Quiche


1. In a deep microwave-safe bowl, mix the following: Instant Dry Milk, Powdered Sugar and Heavy Whipping Cream.
2. Mix very well.
3. Cook in the Microwave for a minute at a time, taking it out everytime and mixing it very well.
4. Ours cooked for 8 minutes.
5. Every microwave is different, look for the mixture fluffing and folding in. Keep and eye on it and make sure it does not spill over. Stop cooking once the mixture is folding in.
6. Mix again and pour 3/4th of the mixture onto a greased (or lines with wax paper) baking pan or thali.
7. Spred and level out the mixture.
8. To the balance of the mixture in the bowl, add in the Cocoa Powder and Chocolate Chips while its still hot.
9. Mix till all the powder is mixed in and the Chips have melted.
10. Pour the balance of the mixture to form a top layer.
11. If you want to make swirls, use a butter knife and gently bring the white part of the mixture up to form swirls.
12. Allow the Burfi to set and solidify in the refrigerator (min 2 hrs).
13. Cut into desired shape.
14. Store in the refrigerator and serve at room temperature.